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Tenno Garda Trentino



The western gateway to Alto Garda, the area of Tenno bears the influence of the nearby valley Valle delle Giudicarie in a variegated fusion of the historic and scenic which results in a blend of mountain and lake culture. Tenno is divided into several districts or frazioni, settlements which are firmly anchored to their physical surroundings as well as their glorious past.

The two flags awarded to Tenno are proudly flown like coats of arms, the orange flag from Touring Club Italiano for the standard of excellence as regards tourism and the environment and that of the “Most beautiful villages in Italy” conferred on the village of Canale. On the border with Varone, a district of Riva del Garda, near the waterfall and stream of the same name, you will come upon the chapel CAPPELLA BOZZONI which

was commissioned and built between 1859 and 1861 by the Bozzoni family of industrialists that in the mid-16th century built the old paper mill. The chapel, dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, has a central layout to which the presbytery is attached with a square floor plan.  At the sides

there are a sacristy, a confessional and the access stairs to the chancel.

The decorations with stucco, double colouring, marble and paintings all contribute to an architectural style which develops academic motifs in keeping with the Baroque style while also incorporating Neoclassical influences.

Cappella Bozzoni Varone Riva del Garda Tenno
Castello di Tenno

Making your way along the terraces on Mount Englo

you come to Tenno and its CASTLE. Built on Roman foundations, it was used and modified by many peoples and prominent characters including the Lombards, Franks, Guelphs and Ghibellines, feudal serfs and communal freemen, Bishop Princes of Trento, Venetians and Visconti dynasties. Originally considered public property, it was inevitably “privatised” in 1210 by Bishop Venga. In 1400, thanks to Piccinino and Sforza dynasty, it was also subjected to a Renaissance influence. It was damaged

in the 18th century during the Franco-Spanish war and finally, at the turn of the nineteenth century, the Bavarian government auctioned it to the Brunati family who restored the castle.  The highest tower, 48 metres high, collapsed in 1920. Today the castle is still in private

hands and this is why it is not open to the public.

Beneath the castle walls nestles the charming medieval BORGO DI FRAPPORTA, a fortified village which encompasses houses built on terraces of the Valle del Magnone valley and the rock of San Lorenzo. The entire village has a panoramic view ranging from the mountains of the hinterland to Lake Garda. Features of historic interest include the 17th century tower, the old fountain, and a recently discovered ancient Roman sepulchre. Access to the fortified village is through an arched medieval gate which will plunge you into a timeless era where you wander among stone houses, portals, sudden openings into squares, laneways and vegetable gardens. To the South is the CHURCH OF SAN LORENZO, one of the best preserved examples of Romanesque architecture in the region. The layout of the walls probably dates back to the 12th century while the origins date back to an older church which once stood here between the 8th and 9th centuries. Inside there are some lovely frescoes from different periods. Napoleon deconsecrated the church but in 1840 it was restored to its original function.

Chiesa di San Lorenzo Tenno
Borgo di Frapporta Porta ingresso Tenno
Borgo Medievale Canale di Tenno

Head up the valley and you come to CANALE DI TENNO. There is evidence of this charming medieval village as far back as 1211 and it has remained virtually the same up to the present day. In the narrow streets of Canale there is a Museum of Farm Tools which shows how closely the people here lived to the land and also the CASA DEGLI ARTISTI GIACOMO VITTONE, a cultural centre founded in the 1960s by amateur painter Giacomo Vittone. This is an exhibition space for the visual arts of the past and present housing the work of Vittone as well as being a venue for conferences, summer schools, hospitality for artists and school stays for art colleges and institutes (info & booking

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