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Website privacy policy - updated to the EU Reg 2016/679 (GDPR)



1. Data protection officer (RPD/DPO)

The data protection officer of the website is Stefano Michelotti, Loc. Dossi, 11/B - 38062 Arco (TN). On this page the management of the personal details performed by this website will be explained as for the Users consulting it and/or interacting with the web services it provides.


2. Type of personal data, scopes and legal basis of this regulation ​

Data generated by accessing the site

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These data (such as domain names, IP addresses, operating system used, type of browser device used for connection) are not accompanied by any additional personal information and are used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site, manage the need to control the methods of use of the same, ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes. The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of such data is the need to make the site's features usable following user access.



For any information, see the cookie policy here.


3. Nature of the provision

Apart from that specified for navigation data (point 2), the provision of data is not intended for any other purpose.


4. Methods of processing and data retention times

The data collected will be processed by electronic or in any case automated, computerized and telematic tools, or by manual processing with logic strictly related to the purposes for which the personal data were collected and, in any case, in order to guarantee security.


5. Subjects authorized to process, responsible and data communication

The processing of the collected data is carried out by authorized processing according to specific instructions given in compliance with current legislation. The data collected, if necessary or instrumental for the execution of the aforementioned purposes, may be processed by third parties appointed as data controllers, or, depending on the case,

communicated to them as independent owners, and precisely:

• people, companies, associations or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to our Company, for the purposes referred to in point 2;

• companies, organizations, associations that perform services connected and instrumental to the execution of the purposes indicated above (e.g. maintenance of IT systems).


The collected data will not be transferred outside the EU.

In any case, personal data will never be disclosed unless explicitly authorized by the interested party.

6. Rights of the data suject

At any time it is possible to access the data, oppose the processing or request the

cancellation, modification or updating of all personal information collected by the owner,

exercising the right to limit the processing and the right to data portability, by sending an

e-mail to


​The contact details of the supervisory authority are as follows:

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