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Taking a walk in nature in Garda Trentino is simple and rewarding with magical moments you will have to record in stunning photos. Make sure to set out on a walk when you are mentally and physically prepared and bring the right gear. You should also bring a change of clothes, plenty of water and some snacks and make sure to tell somebody where you are going. You will enjoy it all the more if you are prepared for the unexpected.

Feel like some thrilling new experiences?

Discover all the excursions, walks, hikes and strolls Garda Trentino has to offer

Sentiero della Ponale Riva del Garda Trentino


An alpine trail which can also be done by mountain bike, it is considered the ultimate walking trail and is internationally renowned. From the old harbour in Riva del Garda you head in the direction of the hydroelectric power plant until you get to the starting point of the trail. This was once the road connecting the town with the Valle di Ledro and now draws thousands of tourists each year who hike the trail as far as the fortifications along the Ponale stream or Pregasina and for the more enterprising, as far as the Ledro Valley and the lake of the same name. You can also enjoy the historic tunnels and stunning views of the lake. 

Point od departure: Riva del Garda

Point of arrival: Pregasina

Distance: 6 km

Elevation gain: 470 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 2h (1h to the refreshment point)

Details and map


A cousin of the more famous Ponale trail and its equal in terms of spectacular scenery. The trail starts at the Busatte Park in Nago-Torbole and proceeds above Lake Garda as far as Tempesta with 400 or so iron steps to help with the overhanging sections. A  walk which will make you feel like you are suspended between the earth and sky amid lush vegetation and breathtaking scenery. You can get back from Tempesta by public bus or by retracing your steps along the trail on one of the two clearly signposted variants.


The path is currently closed for restoration works

until a later date. 

Point of departure: Parco delle Busatte

Point of arrival: Loc. Tempesta or point of departure

Distance: 5 km (8 km there and back)

Elevation gain: 300 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 2h - 3h

Details and map
Sentiero Busatte Tempesta Nago Torbole Garda Trentino
Forti del Monte Brione Riva del Garda Trentino


This itinerary unfolds on the little rocky promontory between Riva del Garda and Nago-Torbole. Mount Brione, because of its strategic central position above the lake was an object of strategic interest for the Austro-Hungarian Empire of which it was the southernmost outpost. Some forts on Brione bear witness to turn of the twentieth century military engineering: Garda Fort, Midway Battery, S. Nicolò Fort, S. Alessandro Fort.

Point of departure: Porto S. Nicolò

Point of arrival: Porto S. Nicolò

Distance: 6,5 km

Elevation gain: 350 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 2h45’

Details and map


Perched on the slopes of Mount Rocchetta, these are two of the main attractions and symbols of Riva del Garda: the Bastione is of Venetian origin and the little church of Santa Barbara, patron saint of miners, was built for the men working on construction of the pipelines of the hydroelectric power plant (see p. 9-10). This route allows you to see Garda Trentino from a new perspective. If you like you can reach Bastione from the old town centre in just a few minutes by panoramic elevator.

Point of departure: Riva del Garda (via Monte Oro)

Point of arrival: Chiesa di S. Barbara

Distance: 3 km

Elevation gain: 600 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 2h (30 min. up to the Bastione)

Details and map
Bastione di Riva del Garda Trentino
Sentiero Biotopo delle Marocche di Dro Garda Trentino


A wide expanse of enormous boulders, the Marocche nature reserve is a lunar landscape situated between Dro, Drena and Lake Cavedine. An interesting itinerary starts at the tamburello pitch along the Drena road near a car park, winding through particular vegetation and prehistoric dinosaur tracks to the Fies Hydroelectric Station passing through the marshland of Laghisol. The Marocche originated during the ice age when, after they had reached their maximum expansion, various glaciers began their slow retreat, causing landslides and rock falls including that of Marocche, the largest in all the Alps. 

Point of departure: Parcheggio Loc. Lavini

Point of arrival: Parcheggio Loc. Lavini

Distance: 6 km (possibilità di un giro più breve di 3 km)

Elevation gain: 120 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 2h30’

Details and map


The history/nature trail leads up Monte Corno among the outposts of the Austro- Hungarian line of defence during the Great War. Along the main loop you will find signposting for detours to the many points of interest you can’t afford to miss on this excursion. From the Coel car park in Nago, take the exit from the roundabout which passes by Hotel Nido d’Aquila and 

head uphill following directions until you come to the chestnut grove. Continue on to the left on the dirt road as far as the junction and then follow trail 637 up through the woods till you 

come to directions for Busa dei Capitani. Continue once more on the main loop towards the car park you started from but be
sure to visit Stütztpunkt Perlone for a breathtaking view over Lake Garda and beyond.


Point of departure: Nago (Parking Coel)

Point of arrival: Nago (Parking Coel)

Distance: 4 km

Elevation gain: 350 mt

Duration (tourist pace): 3h

Details and map
Stützpunkt Perlone Busa dei Capitani Nago Garda Trentino
Cima del Monte Stivo Rifugio Marchetti


From Drena continue by car on the main road (2 km) until you come to Luch, where you turn right to go up to Malga Campo. Leave your car in the car park, pass the barrier, head down to the right along a forestry road between two pastures until you come to the start of trail 623. In about 45 min. you will get to Cima Bassa (Madonnina) where you continue on to the right on trail 617, to the base of the ridge that leads to the summit. At the fork, our route goes to the right on the simple trail 617 (alternative: trail 617B, steeper and more exposed which leads straight to the summit). After about 35 min., at the signpost, turn right towards the mountain hut. After a stop for refreshments, hike to the summit and cross (5 min.) to enjoy the 360° panorama of the surrounding valleys and Lake Garda. Head back to town retracing your steps along the same route.

Point of departure: Drena - Malga Campo

Point of arrival: Drena - Malga Campo

Distance: 5 km

Elevation gain: 690 mt

Duration: 2h

Details and map
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