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Biodistretto Val di Gresta panorama




The Val di Gresta valley is an eco-friendly treasure trove between the municipalities of Mori and Isera and covering all of the municipality of Ronzo-Chienis. Set up in 2014 its purpose is to highlight and develop the local traditions and economy of this area which over the centuries has managed to keep the rural landscape in perfect harmony with the Earth. Fertile land in symbiosis with the climates, crops and cultures of Garda Trentino and in Vallagarina. On the terraces here you can see farming practices which are based on organic principles. The Val di Gresta Bio-District is also the scene of thrilling historical tales, from the transport over land of the entire Venetian naval fleet from the River Adige to Lake Garda in 1439, to the intrigues and adventures of the Castelbarco clan and the dramatic stories in the trenches on the front in the First World War. The region, its history, culture and traditions can all be experienced through the flavours and aromas of the vegetables, wines and cuisine which the Val di Gresta Bio-District jealously guards. A stay in this area and a welcome from its people is a complete, intimate and exciting experience which will offer you walks, panoramas, flavours and traditions which could never be fully experienced in quite the same way anywhere else.

Biodistretto Val di Gresta campi coltivazioni
Biodistretto Val di Gresta campi coltivazioni

A valley of light with its south-facing rocks, this has always been a land for growing choice produce which enjoys the mitigating influence of the Ora wind blowing from Lake Garda to create a singular microclimate. Terracing the hillside made it possible to grow vegetables and grapevines at over 800 metres a.s.l., and even as high as 1250 m in the fields of Bordala bassa. Local specialities are potato, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, radicchio, chicory and lettuce varieties, celery, turnip, leek and onion. Wines of the area are Chardonnay, white Pinot Sauvignon, Müller-Thurgau and Marzemino which are largely produced using organic farming. Finally, a project is underway to recover the historic indigenous grape varieties

such as San Lorenzo.

Biodistretto Val di Gresta vigneti
Biodistretto Val di Gresta ortaggi bio
Santuario di Monte Albano Mori
Val di Gresta Trincee Grande Guerra

There are many options for walks or MTB rides along the signposted trails which connect Ronzo-Chienis, the Bordala Pass, Malga Somator, Castel Corno, Prà da Lac, Santa Barbara, Pannone, Corniano, Pizzole and Baita Alpini. It is also possible to visit the villages of Loppio with its lake and the Island of Sant’Andrea, Mori with the sanctuary of Monte Albano, the church of Santo Stefano and the theatre G. Modena. Then there are the medieval villages of Besagno, Sano, Molina, Seghe 1st and 2nd, San Biagio, Tierno, Ravazzone, the Asmara trenches, Valle San Felice, Manzano, Nomesino, Varano, Isera and the many trails throughout the entire Bio-District. Also not to be missed is the Via Ferrata O. Marangoni above the Sanctuary of Monte Albano in Mori.

MORI, between Lake Garda and Rovereto

Nestled in Vallagarina, Mori is one of the richest and most varied areas in the entire valley. With a welcoming alpine atmosphere, this land is criss-crossed by cycle tracks connecting the Adige valley with Lake Garda as well as many hiking trails which wind up from the thirteen hamlets along the slopes of Mount Baldo or across Val di Gresta. Mori boasts many eighteenth centre noble houses, lovely churches, trenches from the First World War and fascinating archaeological sites.

Mori Santuario Monte Albano
Biodistretto Val di Gresta Ronzo Chienis
RONZO-CHIENIS, an organic vegetable garden

The Pearl of Val di Gresta experiences life at the pace of a timeless farming community which has found its natural dimension thanks to the gentle Ora wind blowing from Lake Garda across the terraced fields with their dry stone walls and nurturing the many crops grown in the Bio-District. This is the place for thrilling excursions on foot or Mtb all year round on dirt tracks, through snowclad scenery, across the fields, trenches, countryside and unspoilt natural environment.

ISERA, synonymous with Marzemino

The gurgling of Marzemino being poured into the glass is the sound heard all throughout the valley. This native grapevine thrives around the village of Isera on the right bank of the Adige in the warm sunshine, protected from cold winds, producing a fine wine to be savoured in the many restaurants and cellars in the area. An area inhabited by honest folk who have treasured their local attractions, from the 18th century palaces to the dozens of fortified settlements.

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