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Whether you have a city bike, racing bike, Mtb or a chance to hire a fabulous bike at one of the accommodation facilities or bike hire shops in the area, Garda Trentino offers some great easy excursions thanks to the dense network of cycle paths. Relax and recharge along these trails at the many refreshment bars scattered about the area. Watch out and slow down for the pedestrians who share these cycle paths and check your bike before you start out. Don’t forget to bring water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated on your ride.

Looking for other bike trips?

Garda Trentino has plenty of ideas and solutions to satisfy your passion for cycling

Ciclopedonale da Arco a Torbole Garda Trentino


Starting at the car park in Prabi by the bridge over the River Sarca, follow the cycle path which runs along the right bank of the river, continue around the sports pitch until you come to the next stretch of cycle path. This itinerary is entirely on the flat and takes you to the mouth of the river and the Arco and Torbole shores of Lake Garda. Along the way you will find a bike grill with animals, an ideal stop off point for all the family.


Point of departure: Arco

Point of arrival: Mouth of the River Sarca

Distance: 7 Km ca.

Elevation gain: 30 m

Duration: 20"/30"


Starting at the car park in Prabi by the bridge over the River Sarca, follow the cycle path which runs along the right bank of the river heading north. Pass through Moletta with its low river banks which in summer time become beaches with adjacent playground and refreshment bar. Go through Ceniga, near the historic Roman Bridge, and the town of Dro. The cycle path then continues along the River Sarca to the Fies Power Station. There are a number of refreshment stops along the way.


Point of departure: Arco

Point of arrival: Fies Power Station

Distance: 10 Km ca.

Elevation gain: 110 m

Duration: 50" ca.

Ciclabile Dro Centrale di Fies Garda Trentino
Ciclopedonale Arco Dro Sarche Lago di Toblino Garda Trentino


Follow directions from the main square in Dro for the cycle path and head north. Pass the Fies Power Station, today partly operational and partly converted into an experimental contemporary threatre centre and the Drodesera festival. Go on and admire the River Sarca at its wildest, pass through Pietramurata and Sarche in the Valle dei Laghi. In a few minutes you will come to Lake Toblino and Lake Santa Massenza where you can visit the local hydroelectric power plant.


Point of departure: Dro

Point of arrival: Lake Toblino

Distance: 14 Km ca.

Elevation gain: 160 m

Duration: 1h ca.


Start at the old harbour in Piazza Catena, pass the Torre Apponale and head towards the Rocca. Follow the road around it and leave Spiaggia degli Olivi and Fraglia della Vela yacht club on your right. Continue along the lake shore taking care after a few hundred metres to turn onto the cycle track and avoid the stretch reserved for pedestrians. Continue as far as Porto San Nicolò, cycle along the harbour and, from behind the fort San Nicolò, continue on the cycle path which overhangs the lake until you come to the Hotel Baia Azzurra.


Point of departure: Riva del Garda

Point of arrival: Baia Azzurra

Distance: 4 Km ca.

Elevation gain: 20 m

Duration: 20" ca.

Giro in Bici per Famiglie
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