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Perched on the rock beneath the Castle the little town of Arco is a flourishing garden in the north of Garda Trentino. Overlooking the Busa area from the top of Stivo it is indissolubly linked with the area and a mecca for all kinds of outdoor pursuits such as climbing, trekking and mountain bike. The Habsburgs chose it as their health and holiday resort because of its particular Mediterranean climate.

The first record of ARCO CASTLE dates back to the 12th century although archaeological finds testify to the settlement of the area much further back. The ruling family D’Arco declared it an allodial asset of the community, turning it into a fortified village, as can be seen in the painting by Albrecht Durer dated 1495 now on display in the Louvre in Paris. Though impregnable it was bombarded by the French in 1703 and this marked a long decline which left the buildings in their present state with some towers, part of the ramparts, the prisons and some ruined buildings where a magnificent cycle of 14th century frescoes was discovered. The Castle can be reached in about 20 minutes on foot from the historic centre through a lush olive grove where there is a glass viewing deck perched sheer above the valley.

(info & booking

Castello di Arco
Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta Arco
Porta Stranfora Arco
Rione Stranforio lavatoio Stranfora Arco

On the way back head westwards so you come to the QUARTER OF STRANFORIO, a charming medieval quarter where you can get lost among the winding alleys and cool down at the old wash house. Visit the quarter and PORTA STRANFORA which still has the mechanisms for its drawbridge. Nearby is the PARCO ARCIDUCALE (or arboretum, ARBORETO), a lovely botanical garden once attached to the VILLA OF ARCHDUKE ALBERT OF AUSTRIA which dates back to 1873, where the Archduke who spent certain periods of the year in the town would
welcome illustrious members of the Habsburg court and government. The park is currently closed for restoration. Passing through Stranforio you will come to the main square of Arco, Piazza 3 Novembre, where there are

a number of historic buildings and the COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA. Constructed at

the turn of the 17th century it is a symbol of the greatness of the town. The interior with its single nave has a fine marble altar and numerous noteworthy works such as

the altarpieces, stained glass windows, friezes, the organ and a very particular grotto.

The MOSES FOUNTAIN closes the western side

of the piazza. Sculpted from local oolite stone in the Baroque style it bears the coat of arms of

the D’Arco ruling family. Opposite the Collegiate Church with its pointed arch portico is PALAZZO NUOVO or MARCABRUNI - GIULIANI, the first residence of the D’Arco ruling family. To the right

is PALAZZO DEL TERMINE or DELLA LEGA with a wealth of frescoes attributed to D. Bonmartini

and once home to the humanist Nicolò d’Arco.

To the east is PALAZZO DI PIAZZA or DEL MUNICIPIO once residence to the D’Arco ruling family and today the Town Hall. Inside there are archaeological finds and remains from before

the Roman era. Look to the south  and you can


its Venetian style chimneys and frescoes along

the eaves. Nearby is the small parochial CHURCH OF SANT’ANNA, inside which are preserved an epigraph with the history of the building and a number of paintings by local artist Giovanni Antonio Zanoni. You are now a stone’s throw from piazzale Segantini to the rear of the Collegiate Church where you can take a rest in the HISTORIC GARDENS admiring the large, venerable Himalayan Cedar and the statue of the Arco painter, the founder and one of the major exponents of Divisionism, Giovanni Segantini.

Fontana del Mosè Arco
Giardini storici Giardini pubblici Arco
Palazzo San Pietro o Marchetti camini Arco
Chiesa di San Giuseppe Arco
Casinò Municipale Arco veranda
Galleria Civica Segantini Palazzo Panni Arco

Continuing on westwards you come to the town casino CASINÒ MUNICIPALE. Built during the second half of the 19th century for Archduke Albert of Habsburg, today it is the venue for meetings and events and the Alto Garda School of Music. It was once a meeting place and playground for the Central European aristocracy who chose Arco as their winter health resort because of its mild climate. The Salone delle Feste and magnificent veranda look out on viale delle Palme where the food market is held several times a week. Go back to piazza 3 Novembre and head down the main street of Arco, via Segantini, cross piazzetta San Giuseppe and you come to PALAZZO DEI PANNI which dates back to the end of the 17th century. Originally an aristocratic residence, at the end of the 18th century it was turned into a woollen mill. After exhaustive restoration it now houses the Town Library and the GALLERIA CIVICA G. SEGANTINI. This art gallery which is named after the famous painter, houses paintings, documents and other works by Segantini and some of his contemporaries. There is also an interactive part which positions Arco at the centre of a worldwide circuit of museums and public institutions in possession of works by the artist (info & booking In the immediate vicinity of the bridge over the River Sarca there is the CHURCH OF SAN GIUSEPPE, dating back to the 16th century with its single nave and groin vaults decorated with 19th century frescoes by Agostino Aldi.

Not only is Arco blessed with marvellous views and breathtaking scenery but it also has many other secrets to discover like the little church CHIESA EVANGELICA DELLA TRINITÀ, a rare example of the Neo-Gothic style with its lovely polychrome roof. Another church worth visiting is CHIESA DI SAN ROCCO in Caneve which dates back to the end of the 15th century and has its frescoes and the predellas on the side alters attributed to Marcello Fogolino. From the bridge of Arco, follow the rock of the Castle northwards until you get to Prabi. You first come to the CHAPEL OF SANT’APOLLINARE, built around the 8th century, notable for its stone altar and many 13th century frescoes inside and out by the Veronese school. Further on, you come to the hermitage EREMO DI SAN PAOLO built into a niche on the rock. The frescoes inside and out are extremely fine. On the slopes of Mount Stivo in Velo there is another ancient hermitage perched above the upper end of Lake Garda, EREMO DEI SANTI GIACOMO

E SILVESTRO AL MONTE, probably built by the locals in order to escape barbarian invasions during the Middle Ages. Inside the church there are 16th century frescoes

by Marco Moretto.

Eremo di San Paolo Arco Prabi
Chiesa Evangelica della Trinità Arco
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